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History of Schiffswerft Barth GmbH

The Barther Shipyard was founded on 17 August 1867 by J. Holzerland in Barth as the "Holzerland'sche Werft am Dammtor". During this time there were 5 shipyards in Barth, where over 500 sailing ships were built in the 19th century. Under J.  Holzerland, C.  Holzerland sen. and C.  From 1867 to 1936, more than 65 sailing ships, mostly gaff schooners, brigantines and barques as well as galeasses from 30 RT to 452 loads, i.e. lengths from 16 m to 40 m (overall), were built at this Holzerland junior ship. The larger ships were lightened and brought to Stralsund and equipped there. The picture shows the launching of the three-masted gaff schooner "IRMGARD" in 1920 at the boatyard of the master shipbuilder Carl Holzerland jun., in Barth. The client was J. Krüger from Szczecin.

Since Mr. C.  Holzerland Junior had no direct descendants, the shipyard was leased after 1945 to the master shipbuilder Gustav Sanitz, who after the war manufactured wooden cutters in addition to Zeesbooten.  In 1953, VEB Bootsbau und Reparaturwerft bought Barth from Margarete Kurzweil, C.'s sister. Holzerland junior, the shipyard duly and with a notarial contract. From 1953 to 1958, VEB Bootsbau und Reparaturwerft built more than 20 wooden cutters as reparations for the former Soviet Union and for fishing in Mecklenburg, including cutters with lengths of 12 m, 17 m, 21 m and 24 m (the SAS 251 and SAS 252).

From 1956 onwards, steel construction began, which flourished in the 60s. For example, flushing and folding barges, tugboats (including the tugboat "Buche"), coastal boats, control boats (such as the sounding vessel "Baltic", which at 28.5 m was the longest self-propelled steel ship and is now used by the Water and Shipping Office in Stralsund) and other special ships were built. In 1971, with the formation of the Shipbuilding Combine, the shipyard was assigned to VEB Schiffsanlagenbau Barth and was then allowed to carry out almost only ship repairs. Among the few new ships built in the 70s and 80s are 3 dishwashers for the melioration combine, the dishwasher "Barth" for BBB, type pontoons and barges for various shipowners.

The history of the Barther shipyard since 1990

On December 17, 1991, the shipyard became an independent company again under the name Schiffswerft Barth GmbH. After the Shipyard in Barth was privatized on January 1, 1993, investments in the 2-digit million range have been made to date, which now makes this shipyard one of the most modern small shipyards in the Baltic Sea.


  • Proper disposal of old paints and solvents from painting
  • Preparation of expert opinions for soil and water
  • Dredging of the harbor basin


  • Start of the reconstruction of the shipyard

1993 - 1994

  • Demolition of the mechanical workshop and rigging/technology
  • Renovation of the shipbuilding hall and its areas
  • Implementation of the mechanical workshop
  • Renovation of the social building


  • Reorganization of the company's heating and sewage system
  • Demolition and disposal of the warehouse and the old boiler house
  • Start of surface remediation and reinforcement of open spaces

1994 - 1995

  • Improvement of flood protection by rehabilitating the quay wall and erecting a quay wall in the area of carpentry
  • New construction of the slipway


  • Conversion of the old mechanical workshop into a residential and commercial building

1995 - 1996

  • Replacement of free blasting by a high-pressure cleaning system with integrated water treatment system (boat washing area)
  • New construction of the 45t lift system


  • Commissioning of a new extraction and filter system in the welding shop
  • Preparation of expert opinions for the determination and evaluation of the asbestos fibre concentration
  • Demolition and disposal of the painting, the old shipbuilding hall and the old carpentry workshop
  • New construction of the workshop extension and the
  • Creation of new water berths
  • Installation of a faecal extraction system for boats
  • Commissioning of a new extraction and filter system in the joinery
  • Use of the EH Box L20 exhaust gas purifier during the temporary use of the technical diesel equipment in the hall to reduce diesel exhaust emissions


  1. Construction of a multi-purpose hall for winter storage of yachts and pleasure boats
  2. Preparation and construction of a boat filling station on the quayside
  3. Demolition of the old residential and commercial building with adjoining warehouse and transformer house
  4. Commissioning of the boat filling station
  5. Renovation and renewal of the quay (east side of the shipyard), demolition of the old water hall and creation of new yacht berths
  6. Dredging of the port and the access road


  • Creation of open spaces, improvement of infrastructure including fencing
  • Partial renovation of the west side of the shipyard


  • Planning of further yacht berths
  • Demolition of old buildings on former Wobau site
  • New construction of the quay on the north-east side
  • Shipyard areas with fortification and creation of additional yacht berths


  • Partial renovation of the north-west side of the former Wobau site with new construction of the quay
  • New construction of the fence - formerly Wobau site - with partial renovation of the road for Borgwall


  • Construction of approx. 180 berths for pleasure boats and water hiking rest areas
  • Planning of a new multifunctional sanitary building
  • Dredging of the port and the access road to the western port to 3.20 m


  • Construction of a multifunctional building for the marina with sanitary facilities, sauna, tanning salon, etc.
  • Recertification of the Barth shipyard according to the latest environmental conditions according to EMAS


  • New construction of the multifunctional building with sanitary wing
  • Achievement of the quality assurance program according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000


  • New construction of a 3800 sqm shipbuilding / repair and storage hall on the western part of the shipyard site


  • Repaving of approx. 3000 sqm of work and outdoor storage space on the western part of the shipyard site
  • Introduction of the ultra-high-pressure cleaning process with approx. 3000 bar water pressure and thus a further contribution to the significant reduction of environmental pollution


  • Complete conversion of the office building at Werftstraße 2c
  • Relocation of the management to the new premises in autumn 2008


  • Quality management ISO 9001 successfully certified by the GLC
  • (12 years ISO 9001)

2010 to 2020

  • Conversion of the shipyard / dismantling of the slipway and new construction of two finger piers
  • Commissioning of the 180t mobile ship lift
  • New construction of the carpentry workshop
  • Extension of the washing area
  • New hall door for the large lift
  • Construction of a harbor snack bar
  • Extension of the racks and pitches for the ship's objects
  • Construction of a new access road to the shipyard
  • Quality management ISO 9001 successfully certified by the GLC
  • Purchase of a hydraulic 3-roller sheet metal roller
  • Installation of a hydraulic press brake
  • Replacement of a sheet press up to 16mm sheet thickness
  • Purchase of a scissor lift for up to 14m working height
  • Electric pallet truck for shaft assembly
  • Revision of the workshops
  • Installation of new operating software, e.g. IFQ / ELO / DATEV


  • Implementation of the WERFT 4.0 digitization project with the support of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State Development Institute


by coming summer of 2023, a brand new mobile ship lift with up to 60 tons of load capacity, equipped with AWD / 4WS and fully remote-control-system, will replace the aging 45'er. This enables us to drive the capacity expansions that have become necessary in the overall structure of the shipyard location.

Schiffswerft Barth GmbH
Werftstraße 2c
18356 Barth

Phone: +4938 231 - 68 40
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


© 2025 Schiffswerft Barth GmbH